Blogger Templates Android Application Development: ANDROID MARKET GROWTH

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The overall smartphones market is expected to continue growing at a healthy pace over the next five years. The global smartphones market is currently dominated by Android, which will comprise an expected 61% share of the market in 2012. Smartphone unit shipments will continue to grow between now and 2016, but IDC believes there will be a substantial shift in momentum away from market chart

Google has launched a new initiative to help developers create apps.  With the fast growth of Android OS, we expected a growing & friendly community to match the love of Apple fans. Blackberry may be the exact opposite of it if growing a platform for App development. With 10 billion Apps and growing, Android has created an online resource center for developers.  It includes sample code, reference, documentation, tutorials and more.

A good part of Android's recent growth has been influenced by the numbers coming out of Samsung over the past quarter. The IDC report shows remarkable progress for the four-year-old Android OS against competition that include the still strong popularity of Apple iOS, drastically smaller Blackberry market, Microsoft's multiple multiple Windows phone efforts and the rest of a straggling field.

In up coming years,it will have a more good high as for its requirement and need along with its features are improving.


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